Keleron Wiki

Keleron is a planet, the only to exist in a pocket dimension eventually repurposed by the Guardians as a safe haven for all supernatural creatures. Like Earth, it is a rocky, terrestrial planet, though Keleron is a mere half the size of Earth.

The pocket dimension that contains the supernatural haven of Keleron is also lit by the yellow dwarf sun Polorius; the planet itself is also orbited by two moons that orbit Keleron at opposite poles. The slightly larger of the two is Míare and the smaller of the two is Sirènn, and both are tidally locked. As the two orbit in the same period as each other, and are far smaller than Earth's moons, Keleron's tidal cadence is very similar to that of Earth.

While time on Keleron still progresses at the same rate as Earth, Keleron exists in a different dimensional space to its cousin planet. Keleron is also in its third Genesis Cycle, whereas Earth is currently through its twelfth.


Initially created as a small area of land no more than 5000 hectares, Keleron was intended as a boxed penal colony in a separate dimension from Earth for criminals and creatures the Guardians deemed unworthy of existence on Earth throughout its various Genesis Cycles, but allowed to begin life anew from scratch.

In the first few Genesis Cycles of Earth, the supernatural and the natural existed upon Earth as a cohesive ecosystem of species. During this time, dragons roamed the skies, the merpeople in the seas, and the werewolves wandered across the land, in harmony with humanity, particularly concentrated around what is now the Mediterranean.

However, as millennia would pass and Earth progressed through its Genesis Cycles, humanity had always grown more fearful of the supernatural, beginning either to revere or hunt them down. Eventually, the supernatural were hunted simply for glory and trophies, and in some cases, simply due to humanity's growing influence and population, increased tension as borders collided, until all out war would be declared and began a cycle of violence that knew no end.

Marking the end of 9 G.C. on Earth, a lone Libra caused a cataclysm unlike never before seen, conflagrating near a third of the planet and annihilating almost all life. In the wake of the disaster, the Guardians finally sought to separate the supernatural from humanity. To ensure destruction of the same magnitude would never again repeat, they decided to isolate the supernatural completely into their own dimensional haven made just to house and protect them, alongside those humans who believed in the protection and safeguarding of the supernatural (who would become collectively known as the Common Folk).

Focusing their power, the seven Guardians poured their magic into expanding the initial 5000 hectares of the penal colony into a far larger area, in its very own pocket dimension that would be forevermore protected by the Academy. What eventually resulted was the creation of an entire pocket dimension with a single planet, twin moons orbiting opposite poles of the planet, and a lone star. This creation marked the beginning of Keleron's first Genesis Cycle.


The First Genesis Cycle: Life on Keleron[]

Duration: 8.3 billion years

With a new home to live in, and vastly more space in which to expand their horizons within, life on Keleron flourished, and folk and creature alike thrived. The Guardians watched and often lived amongst the beings of their small haven, and, working behind the scenes, ensured that peace lasted. Life went on without too many wars, and life prospered.

As time passed, inevitably life died out on Keleron, and eventually the planet was rendered barren for the first time in millennia. The Guardians saw this as an opportunity to improve what was already existing, and sought to expand Keleron; they nearly doubled the size of the planet, adjusting the cosmos within its pocket dimension to accommodate its new size. After expansion was complete, the Guardians set to work creating new life upon Keleron, and so beginning its second Genesis Cycle.

The Second Genesis Cycle: The Great Expansion[]

Duration: 9.2 billion years

Though only beginning as what is now known as the Old Lands (the northeastern quadrant of Keleron when displayed on a map), upon the end of the first Genesis Cycle, the Guardians expanded Keleron further. Throughout 1 G.C. on Keleron, the sourthern tip of the Apollus Desert was the southernmost point; the rising of 2 G.C. saw the area of Keleron nearly double to the south, with the addition of 4 new landmasses: Ka'ajh, Ermeros, Ismallin and the Exalle archipelago. While the majority of these landmasses took up one half of the globe, the remaining half was left as a raging sea for if ever the Guardians decided on further expanding Keleron; this ocean became known as the Unknown.

The second G.C. found its end in the near catastrophic invasion of malevolent entities from the Void into Keleron and from Keleron into Earth through the Aldári Passage. A lack of foresight had failed to adequately protect both planets from beings condemned to eternity in the Void, and they wrought havoc upon both Keleron and Earth, though Keleron suffered infinitely more as Earth was still only beginning its twelfth Cycle. The damage was cataclysmic, with billions left dead and the tiny planet scarred. The Guardians acknowledged the damage upon Keleron, and sought to reset life altogether with added protections to prevent further incursions. And so they smote the planet, eliminated nearly all life upon the planet, and began again.

The Third Genesis Cycle: The Vast Unknown[]

Duration: Currently 4.35 billion years

From the ashes of the second Cycle rose the dawn of the third. The current G.C. saw the complete recreation of Keleron, faithful to its previous incarnation; only this time the Guardians added additional landmasses in the Unknown oceans, that of Ga'Ihtal, the archipelago of Freehaven, the island of Yol-Draka, and Thraerak to the far north. Life began anew, with specific guidance from the Guardians such that life would develop in much the same way. Greater protections were added to both the Planal barriers, Keleron's inherent shielding, and reinforcement was added to the Aldári Passage so that any Void or Dead would be destroyed.

Life has since continued happily, for the most part.

Access to Keleron[]

Access between Keleron and Earth is heavily monitored and controlled by the Academy; indeed, the only way for most to travel between them is through the Aldári Passage, a singular gateway portal that connects the two, and is protected by the Academy.

However, the Guardians and a few select individuals are capable of "dimension-shifting" between the two planets at will, through channeling pure cosmic energy to enable the shift. The shift requires absolute focus to perform correctly, and can include more than one person as long as physical contact is held with the one performing the shift. Failure to do so has led to disastrous consequences, including shifting 50 feet in the air, in the middle of solid rock; it is unknown what would happen if the shift only successfully occurred partway.

The Nature of Keleron[]


Keleron Full Map

A full map of Keleron

In terms of atmosphere and natural conditions, Keleron is relatively identical to Earth's, with the exception that the poles are not as cold as Earth's, giving rise to a relatively temperate climate all throughout Keleron. However, Keleron differs geographically, instead possessing 10 major continents and several smaller island archipelagos.

  • Daedynos
  • Laetho
  • Xaedys
  • Martyri
  • Sahria
  • Ka'ajh
  • Ermeros
  • Ismallin
  • Exalle
  • Ga'Ihtal
  • Freehaven
  • Yol-Draka
  • Thraerak
  • The Kesh Islands
  • The Ironclad Isles
  • The Sunreach Cluster
  • The Jha'ari Isles
  • The Shadowsheen Islands


Throughout the current Genesis Cycle of Keleron, while many of the supernatural creatures possess their own languages and cultures, there is a common tongue spoken by many across Keleron, unimaginatively called the "Common Tongue". Though it bears some differences, as many of the Common Folk are descended from Greek, Arabic, Germanic and Roman origin (with citizens from Earth and Keleron oft intermingling via the Aldarí Passage over the years), the most common iteration of the Common Tongue is relatively cognate with the English language as it is known today. Many words, syllables, vowels and consonants are pronounced similarly and have similar meanings, though naturally there are multiple differences which identify their branching from their common roots.

This Common Tongue is not a recent development however, and many similar previous iterations and root languages have existed throughout multiple Genesis Cycles, often influenced in its development by the Guardians and the Academy, who use English as their language of choice.

  • The Common Tongue, spoken by all the Common Folk
  • Tessaroth, spoken exclusively by the common folk of Martyri
  • Vroenhart, spoken by all dragons
  • Thían'néan, spoken by the Thuríev
  • Mes'ronin, spoken by the Moroï
  • Im'ladar, spoken by the Seraphim


Perhaps the largest difference to Earth is that the very nature of Keleron is tied to both magical, elemental and cosmic energies, each woven all throughout the very fabric of Keleron's existence. As a result, magic and "supernatural" energies course through Keleron as if second nature, allowing almost all inhabitants of the planet (including the Common Folk) a degree of supernatural ability, whether through their supernatural existence, the possession of an ability or basic capability in magic itself.

Indeed, as an unintended side effect of its creation, many abilities and magics that would normally be easily cast on Earth follow a set of different rules while in Keleron. For example, teleportation on Earth allows a person to travel from one point in space to another instantaneously; as teleportation (as far as is understood) involves the penetration through the fabric of reality to disappear at one location and appear at another, as Keleron's very atmosphere teeming with magical energy, penetrating through the myriad of wafting energies proves incredibly difficult and renders teleportation largely inaccurate without exact training.

Inversely, it also greatly amplifies the use of other abilities, particularly magical and elemental abilities. On Earth, magic is near non-existent and requires power drawn from the Plane of Magic, it is often more difficult to cast and use; in contrast, magic on Keleron is far more fluid and easier to wield, being as the very nature of Keleron is sourced from magic.

The Common Folk[]

Main article: The People of Keleron

Those humans who vouched for the safety of the supernatural and its free existence were allowed to decide to live within Keleron or remain on Earth. Those who passed a purity spell under the watchful eye of the Guardians were permitted to pass through the inter-dimensional barrier and start a new life upon lush Keleron soil. These humans became the ancestors of a human species now called the Common Folk, possessing abilities and who (for the most part) live in complete harmony with its supernatural neighbors, as was meant to be so on Earth.

The Kingdoms of Common Folk are spread across almost all of Keleron's continents, as well as the majority of Keleron's islands and archipelagos. Xaedys and the majority of Sahria are instead populated by all manner of beast and humanoid creatures that prefer to remain isolated from the Common Folk.

  • Daedynos
    • The Great Kingdom of Althéa
      • Capital: Val Sayre
    • The United Tribes of the Thaelin Fjords
      • Capital: Thael
    • The City-Kingdom of Anthanar
    • The United Kingdom of the Ironclad
      • Capital: Galbrok and Beltorok
  • Laetho
    • The Meritocratic Empire of Saermia
      • Capital: Throengard
    • The Republic of United Cities
      • Capital: Kessamyr, Orsym, Salwyth and Thyram
    • The Principality of Bellewyn
    • The City-Republic of Arqilis
    • The Ashmari Matriarchy
    • The Garen Sol Bastion
  • Martyri
    • The Kingdom of Hadrasc
      • Capital: Hadrascian
  • The Kesh Islands
    • The Keshi Confederacy
      • Capital: Keshi
  • Sahria
    • The Kerath Sol Bastion
  • Ka'ajh
    • The Desert Clan Chiefs
      • Capital: Azhar
    • The City-Kingdom of Sarmengoth
  • Ermeros
    • The Kingdom of Mar Danica
      • Capital: Kelmaris
    • The Tor Gann Oligarchy
      • Capital: Galennar
    • The Rattemoor Syndicates
    • The Valen Sol Bastion
    • The Collective Emirate City of Hamaske
  • Ismallin
    • The Kingdom of Nemèra
      • Capital: Bellor
    • The Braeth Fjordlands
      • Capital: Armenjard
  • Exalle
    • The Kingdom of Exabra
      • Capital: Janai
  • Ga'Ihtal
    • The Grand Arcology of Ihtal
  • Freehaven
    • The Free Peoples of Freehaven
      • Capital: Sanctuary
  • Thraerak
    • The United Tribes of Thraerak
      • Capital: Thraeklyon

There are many more minor Kingdoms across Keleron, and many other lands not part of a Kingdom, but instead belonging to a specific group of beings (such as much of the Black Forests of Daedynos being occupied by the vampire covens).

The Vampire Lands[]

The lands of Sarifar (ruled by the Five Vampire Elders) are situated around the north-western peninsula of Daedynos, housing its majority vampire population in the "Black Forests". Sarifar itself is split into 5 different coven territories, each ruled independently by one of the Elder Vampires:

  • The Coven of Markus, based in the central forests of Sarifar, called Valmaryn; it also holds the only Sarifari city, also named Vol'Aden
  • The Coven of Nadia, based on Voldarun Isle to the north of Sarifar
  • The Coven of Rebekah, based in the easternmost forests of Sarifar, called Sorenvayl
  • The Coven of Elijah, based in the southernmost forests of Sarifar, called Rathmival, bordering both Althéa and Anthanar
  • The Coven of Matthew, based in the northernmost forests of Sarifar, called Golmyr

The Forests of the Thuríev[]

Main article: The Forests of the Thuríev

The Thuríev only ever tend to live in the deep forests scattered across Keleron, particularly in Daedynos and Laetho. While many Thuríev clans exist, some have chosen to settle as an entire culture, and are listed as:

  • The Illuríev (ruled by the Lord and Lady of Green, Urovíel and Arvéna), residing in the Greenhaven, along the east coast of Daedynos
  • The Anasaríev (ruled by the Woven Lord Garaduíl), residing in Solheiren, along the northwest coast of Laetho
  • The Ríemíev (ruled by the Lord of Thorns, Sorémil), residing in Caster's Wood, along the southern coast of Laetho
  • The Silmaríev (ruled by the Brother Lords of Dusk, Asethir and Emaël), residing in the Solthurí, along the southern coast of Martyri
  • The Orweníev (ruled by the Lord of the Broken Crown, Mithíras), residing in the Gorvalín Woods, along the northern coast of Daedynos

The Isle of Dragons[]

The lone island of Yol-Draka far to the southeast is home to the last few remaining dragons in Keleron, and roughly translates to "Dragon's Fire". It is not governed by any law, and is the only known remaining breeding grounds for the dragons.

The island itself is actually a massive volcanic plateau that makes access to Yol-Draka impossible save for by flight, ensuring that the dragons are allowed a refuge from the prying eyes of others.

The Sunreach Cluster[]

The far-eastern island cluster known to many as the Sunreach Cluster is home to the reclusive Seraphim, who take refuge in the far-flung island ring as the first to receive the dawn in all of Keleron. Few make the long journey to the homelands of the winged angels, but those who have returned always appear to have a glint of light in their eye, and an awe for the magical arts.

  • The only city of the Sunreach Cluster is the grand city of Rayva, described as being a glorious floating citadel of light and glorious power, teeming with magic and bathed in a dazzling light